Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Let Mommy Clarify," by Cannon Lee Chiang

You see, my Mommy is not as competitive as my Daddy. You know what she did on Father's Day? Well, she dressed me in Boston Red Sox AND Tennessee Volunteer gear. She took lots of pictures of me, and I mean lots. You have probably seen the post about it. I was like, "Ok, Mommy, enough pictures!" but she kept on because really wanted Daddy to know how much she and I love him. She FRAMED 2 of these pictures for Daddy to put on his desk at work.

Actually, I begged her to put me in that burnt orange outfit much sooner. I said, "Mommy, it's ok that that onesie is kind of thick and would be better for cooler weather. I want to wear it NOW!" But she waited and continued to dress me in all of Daddy's favorite outfits. She is so selfless.

So...I just want to let all of you know that my Mommy says that I can be a fan of both schools and that I don't even have to like EITHER of them if I don't want. My Daddy is another story. Please pray for him.

Ok, well, that's all for now. Peace out.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Cannon, I'm praying for you Daddy. However, I'm really praying that you just don't end up at OU.

Random: Does anyone else get a kick out of the word verification on these blogs. Today it is retati. I think that might become the word of the day. Retati, check out that retati. Vols are retati!